After pregnancy


Is breastfeeding the right choice for me?


Breastmilk is the best choice for feeding your baby, because it is perfectly designed and most adequate nutrition for them. Your milk contains all necessary nutritional ingredients and protects the baby from infections and diseases.

Breastfeeding is useful for you as well. It helps your body resume its pre-pregnancy shape and 8may lower your risk of: breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Remember, breastfeeding is a cheap and readily available supply of milk for your baby.

Some women take up breastfeeding easily and naturally, while others find it more difficult and need more patience and determination, especially if they are first time mums.

However, there are certain reasons not to breastfeed, like if your baby has problems feeding, because milk production is related to demand. Lot of women experience pain, cracked nipples, even blocked ducts and infections, which can be very challenging and finally lead to the decision not to breastfeed, especially if this impacts your emotional health. Some women might be affected by serious anemia or other health conditions, when it is advisable not to breastfeed.

Once you have considered options carefully and decided not to breastfeed, don’t feel guilty about it. Formula milk will provide all that is necessary for your baby’s growth and development. It is also a good opportunity for your partner to be more involved in this process, and for you it could mean less worry that all you eat and drink will be passed to your baby.

Regardless of whether you have decided to breastfeed or not, the process of feeding is a great way to establish a loving connection with your baby, by holding it close to you, making eye contact, and the soft and gentle talk. After all, parenting is more than breastfeeding.


You have decided to breastfeed…


The first few days your breasts will produce a yellowish colored liquid, called colostrum. Colostrum is important to help your baby’s digestive system establish function and protects it from infections. After that your breasts will start producing milk, and you may start to feel them fuller and warmer.

The most challenging period is during the first month, when both you and your baby are learning the technique of breastfeeding. The feedings would probably be more frequent and longer, until your baby gains some strength and rhythm. It is important to know that milk supply is in coordination with demand, so the amount of milk you make will increase or decrease depending on how often you feed your baby. Therefore, it is advisable to breastfeed whenever your baby shows interest for it (responsive feeding), even though in the beginning it might seem that breastfeeding is all you do.

When your baby is hungry they may: get restless, suck their fingers or fist, or turn their head and open their mouth. It is best to feed the baby right away, because a crying baby could be difficult to feed.


How to breastfeed?


Breastfeeding is a technique which both the mother and the baby should adopt, and it might take some time, so you would need patience. If you are a first time mum it is very important to learn the breastfeeding technique. Therefore, if you haven’t already visited a breastfeeding class, you could consult your midwife to help you learn breastfeeding techniques and share important advice. This would help you be surer that your baby is feeding properly and increase your self-confidence to be persistent in your decision to breastfeed.

You can breastfeed your baby in different positions, but it is important to first position yourself comfortably. You can use pillows and cushions if that’s helpful. Your baby’s head and body should be in a straight line and the support should be on the neck, shoulders and back, so that they can move their head to swallow easily. You should bring the baby to your breast to obtain good attachment, not to lean the breast to the baby’s mouth. It is best to center your baby’s nose to your nipple, to cause them to open their mouth wide. It is very important that your baby gets a mouthful of breast, so that your nipple ends up in the back of their mouth. Their head should be tilted slightly backwards and come to your breast chin first, as the nose is free to breathe.

It is best to alternately switch breasts with each breastfeeding. During one feed, if your baby is feeding from both breasts, try to have them first empty one breast, and then switch to the other. This is important because the initial amount of milk is more liquid, and the following is more dense and rich in calories.

You might also notice that you have either excess or shortage of milk in your breasts. This is normal, and in time the amount of milk production should get in sync with your baby’s pattern of feeding.

If you have excess of milk in your breasts, more than your baby can ingest, you could try to express some of it before nursing your baby. Some leakage of milk from your breasts might appear which is normal and shows that you have sufficient milk production. For more comfort, breast pads can be useful.

You should be aware that excess of milk if not expressed over a longer time, might cause your breast tissue to become inflamed, which is called mastitis. Your breasts would feel red, swollen, hot and sore. And you may get symptoms like fever and headaches. It is important to continue breastfeeding your baby, because this is the best way to have mastitis cured. If after a couple of days the symptoms still persist, pay a visit to your doctor.

You might also have shortage of milk production, and notice that your baby is unsettled after breastfeeding and doesn’t increase weight. In this case you could consider addition of formula milk to the breastfeeding, and discuss options with your pediatrician.

Is my baby getting enough milk?

Probably one of the biggest concerns that most new breastfeeding mothers have in the first days of their baby’s life is whether the baby is getting enough milk. You cannot measure the amount of milk you produce, but there are certain cues you could follow. After breastfeeding your baby should appear content and satisfied. Wet and dry nappies are a good indication as well. After a few days your baby should have at least 6 wet (heavy) nappies in 24 hours, and very important – soft yellow poos should be produced.

It’s normal your baby to lose some of its initial body weight during the first two weeks, but then it should start gaining it, which is also an indicator whether there is enough milk supply.

Breastfeeding should not be painful, but the first few days your nipples might get sore, which is normal. If your nipples continue to be dry, cracked or bleeding, your baby is probably not attaching properly to the breasts. You can try using topical products made for nipple care during breastfeeding, but it is best to consult your health provider to ensure proper breastfeeding.

Make breastfeeding convenient

For more comfort while breastfeeding you might as well consider wearing special breastfeeding bras which are very practical and enable immediate access to your breasts. It is also convenient to wear loose tops and tops with buttons in the front, and especially if you are breastfeeding outdoors, a scarf around your shoulder would enable you more intimacy and convenience.

Nutrition for the new mum

Regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or not, it is very important to keep your nutrition as healthy as possible. Perhaps pregnancy has left you deficient in certain micronutrients, and all the obligations that come with taking care of the baby can be very exhausting. You would need a well-balanced diet to help you keep up with every day’s demands.

If you are breastfeeding, you would need a nutrition which satisfies not only your needs, but one that provides enough nutrients for high quality breast milk, to enable the growth and development of your baby. This is especially important in the first few months of your baby’s life, when they depend only on the nutrition received through breastfeeding.

Again it is important to stick to a nutrition which is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, to obtain necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber for good digestion.

As source of carbohydrates you may consider: bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and cereals. Opt for wholegrain versions whenever you can and leave the skin on your potatoes when you bake them, to increase the amount of fiber you intake. You will find proteins in: meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. Beans, peas and lentils are a good substitution for meat. In order to better manage your weight, it is recommendable to mostly stick to unsaturated fat, like vegetable oil.

You might notice that your baby reacts to certain food you eat during breastfeeding, and that you might need to do adjustments to your menu. Again try to stick to a various nutrition plan as much as possible, to ingest enough of what is needed.

Remember to drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated. Some women tend to feel thirsty when breastfeeding.

Including in your diet some oily fish, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel) is important after pregnancy as well, especially if you are a breastfeeding mum. 1,7It has been proven that maternal daily intake of 200mg DHA contributes to the normal brain and eye development of the breastfed infants.

If you have doubts about the origin and possible pollutants to the fish available or you find it more convenient taking a supplement, you can easily rely on Premama Duo, for it contains the exact amount of DHA needed.

If however you are uncertain about your nutrition choices, you might consider visiting your doctor or a nutritionist for advice.

What to avoid?


You should avoid processed and sugary food, for it is high in calories, but poor in nutrients. It will only keep you away from getting your body figure back.

Although you might feel that you need more caffeine to fight tiredness, it is advisable to keep your caffeine intake low, for it may make your baby restless and additionally interfere with your own sleeping patterns. Be aware that besides coffee, tea, chocolate and certain soft drinks also contain caffeine, and be careful with their consumption as well.

Alcohol and smoking should be avoided during breastfeeding, because they can affect your baby as well.

Finally, despite all the efforts to do your best, it is difficult to always be on the task and be sure that you are getting enough from your nutrition. Therefore, Premama Duo is formulated to both help women after pregnancy, especially breastfeeding mums, with essential nutrients for their own health and the health and development of their babies.

New mum lifestyle tips

Now that your baby has arrived, you are starting a new phase in your life. Right after the delivery some women feel very happy and excited, but don’t worry if you don’t, because it is quite normal to have “mixed emotions” in the beginning.

If you are a first time mum, every little thing related to your baby will be a new experience for you, which could be beautiful and tiring at the same time.

The lack of sleep during the nights is probably the biggest challenge for every mum, and can affect you both physically and emotionally. Follow your baby’s rhythm and rest whenever your baby is asleep. Learn to prioritize, do only what’s necessary and leave the rest of the domestic obligations to the others as much as possible. It is quite OK to ask for help, and accept one when it is offered.

Some women might go through post-delivery depression. Usually they would feel sad, powerless, uncertain, and anxious or too sensitive. If you have feelings like this, talk openly about them and ask for help and support. You can discuss things with your doctor, but also family and friends, especially mums who have already “been there” are very helpful.


Take care of yourself!


After delivery your body will also go through certain changes. You will have vaginal bleeding during the next few weeks, and as your uterus contracts back you might as well feel some low abdominal pain.

Some women have problems with hemorrhoids, which would probably disappear after a few days.

Although all of this is normal, make sure you have regular appointments with your health provider to do necessary examinations and discuss about everything that is happening to your body.

Despite the baby arriving to your family and all obligations you have now, it is normal to also have some time for yourself. This will help you relax and boost your spirit. You might try to establish a schedule of me-time when your partner or other family member would spend some time with the baby without your presence. Don’t use this free time to catch up with domestic duties, but make the most of it, reestablish the connection with yourself and do the things you like to do. And don’t feel guilty about it! Remember, your emotional health is important for you and for the whole family.

You might as well consider reestablishing an exercising routine to feel more energized and relaxed, and to help you get your body shape back. In the beginning, it would be best to start cautiously, not to overdo it. Talk to your doctor before making any decisions.

Considering your sex life, don’t worry if it takes a while before your sex drive is back. You are going through big physical and emotional changes, and with the mother duties you have now, all on reduced sleep, it is quite normal and expected. When you do feel ready for sex, it is usually OK if your vaginal bleeding has stopped. Nevertheless, it is always best to first consult your gynecologist.

Again, taking care of yourself means also sticking to a healthy diet and taking your Premama Duo supplement to help you keep up with the pace of motherhood and provide good quality breast milk for your baby.

Finally, taking care of a small baby is at the same time one of the most beautiful and demanding jobs for any woman. As much as it is important to take good care of your baby, it is also essential that your own needs are taken care of. Remember to congratulate yourself for everything you have achieved so far, and enjoy every day of your baby’s life, because it will grow up in the blink of an eye.